Sunday, January 15, 2012

Motion Center is Proud to Support Amber Alert

Motion Center is Proud to Support:   Causes

Bulletin from the cause: Amber Alert on Facebook

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AMBER Alert programs have helped save the lives of 540 children nationwide

Today is National AMBER Alert Awareness Day - a day to recognize the collaborative efforts and successes of the AMBER Alert program to assist in the recovery of abducted children.

The AMBER Alert Program, created after the January 13, 1996 abduction and murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman, is a voluntary partnership between law-enforcement agencies, broadcasters, and transportation agencies. The program activates an urgent bulletin in the most serious child-abduction cases.

A description of the abducted child and the suspected abductor is broadcast to millions of media listeners and viewers. The public becomes the eyes and ears of law enforcement. AMBER Alert has been very effective. To date, AMBER Alert programs have helped save the lives of 540 children.

The AMBER Alert program is coordinated on a national level by the U.S. Department of Justice. There is a common misconception that a "National" AMBER Alert system exists, when in fact, the Department of Justice created minimum standards and requires each state to coordinate and implement their own AMBER Plan.

For more information about the AMBER Alert program, visit

To honor this program as vital to the safety of children, Child Quest International encourages all wireless subscribers to sign up for Wireless AMBER Alerts at

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