Sunday, January 2, 2011


By YNC William Dodd and Mr. Chris Gambers PPC (MAS-Exceptions Review Team)

In our continued effort to ensure our CG members are paid accurately every month, we continue to track document accuracy and timeliness and look for opportunities to improve procedures and awareness.

Here are our latest examples of what can happen to members when SPOs may not know the rules, may not do proper research, or may lose their attention to detail:


When a member reported PCS to the CGC XXXXX in July 2008 their SPO incorrectly started Enlisted BAS instead of the correct DMR entitlement. This mistake was not realized until approximately 29 months later in December 2010 due to an out-of-range deletion to the Enlisted BAS transaction (P607) and a new out-of-range transaction (P607) starting DMR instead. The approximate amount of this overpayment to the member will be approximately $9,000.

In a second instance, when a member reported PCS to the CGC XXXXX in October 2008 their SPO incorrectly started Enlisted BAS instead of the correct DMR entitlement. The good news is the SPO also forgot to start level I Sea Pay for this member in October 2008, so the underpayment of Sea Pay will help offset the overpayment of Enlisted BAS somewhat, leaving the member in debt to the Coast Guard for approximately $6,000. Isn't he lucky?! NOT.

And yet again, another member reported PCS to CGC XXXXX in January 2009, their SPO incorrectly started Enlisted BAS instead of the correct DMR entitlement. This mistake was not realized until approximately 23 months later in December 2010 (again due to an out-of-range deletion to the Enlisted BAS transaction (P607) and a new out-of-range transaction (P607) starting DMR). The approximate amount of this overpayment will be $7,000.

******Obviously, these amounts of debt can have extremely detrimental effects on members!********

We ask that YNs of all levels be mindful of these errors (and their causes) when processing pay and entitlements for their customers and work toward 100% accuracy and timeliness with us.


This is a reminder for all SPO's to try and approve (as much as possible) any pending status change transactions (Retirements, Discharges, RELADS) that involve selling leave. Sold leave affects year-to-date (YTD) income on W-2 forms and if a member sells leave in 2010 and the transaction isn't approved in a timely manner it will not reflect on the W-2 forms being sent out next month...which then means that corrected W-2 forms need to go out later at both extra work and extra cost.

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